My sixth novel: The White Feather
Hello everybody. Just a quick blog post this time with, I hope, exciting novel news!
I'm bringing out my sixth novel in 2025... for free, and in serial form. It's going to be over on Substack. I'll publish the first part on New Year's Day, and continue to publish every Wednesday for the rest of 2025... or until the entire novel is done.
The novel itself is free, and I'm also offering paid subscriptions for extras: posts about the planning, writing, and editing of The White Feather, providing a bit of insight into how a professional writer works (this one, at least). My aim is to serialise the novel in 2025, then bring it out as a paperback and e-book in 2026 or 2027. Anybody who takes out the paid sub will have their name listed in the eventual book with my grateful and eternal thanks for supporting this project.
The White Feather is my most ambitious novel yet. It's twentieth century working-class historical fiction, with a rather large cast of characters. It's the first novel in a planned series. I'm excited and daunted in equal measure. I hope you can join me on this journey, either paid or unpaid. It would be great to have you along.
Happy new year! I hope 2025 is good for you.
Louise x