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My next novel...

I'm thrilled to reveal today the title and the cover of my fifth novel! It's called We Are Family, and it will be published, by me, on Monday 15 July 2024. I knew it had to be a summer book to match the optimism of the beautiful roses on this cover. And how nice to announce the news today, on the spring equinox.

Here's the blurb:

Jennifer and Alison go back years, first meeting when teenagers at school. Their friendship has seen its ups, downs, highs, lows, triumphs, and disasters.


The friends are now in their late forties. Alison is happily married to the dull but dependable Malcolm, and they have a teenage son. Jennifer is divorced, well off, and carefree, and determined to stay that way.


So she astonishes everyone when she announces she is pregnant. Shock turns to delight, and Alison is keen to support her oldest friend. But when she finds out who the father of the baby is, the friendship must face its biggest test...

I hope that sounds all right. I must admit it's a new kind of story for me, nothing like I've written before. (I say that about all my books!) But this is the most upbeat thing I've written. I wanted to try a new kind of story, and so here it is... I would absolutely love pre-orders, and if you like the sound of this one, it can be pre-ordered at my website shop in paperback or e-book. The e-books will be e-mailed out in early July, ahead of the publication date. The signed paperbacks will be posted as soon as possible after 15 July.

I'm thrilled to be self-publishing another of my novels, and I hope it reaches its readers. Marketing and promotion are usually the hardest part of the writing and publishing process, so any support you can give to my book would be very much appreciated. We Are Family will also soon be available for pre-order on Amazon, and I'll blog about that once it's available.

Thanks to all who have supported me so far on this crazy writing and publishing journey that I find myself on. My first novel turned ten years old this year, so it feels right to bring out another one now to celebrate.

More news soon,

Louise x

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